You have officially made it to the home of CSULB's Black Student Union(BSU). BSU serves as the umbrella to a variety of other African-American organizations such as the following: National Pan Hellenic Council (historically African American fraternities and sororities), National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), King II King, Queen II Queen and the Africana Studies Student Association (ASSA).
What is BSU all about? We promote:
What is BSU all about? We promote:
- Academic Excellence: Making sure that we as a collective are operating at our greatest academic potentials. BSU will assist you in accomplishing these goals through study jams, learning styles workshops, graduate school panels, study tips workshops and more.
- Cultural Consciousness: Teaching students how to critically examine issues impacting people of African descent from African-Centered perspectives in the attempt to liberate ourselves from oppression and continue advancing our people.
- Social Responsibility: Cultivating a sense of pride and acknowledged duty in students so that they understand their obligation to use their degree(s) and other knowledge to continuously improve the conditions of people of African descent throughout the diaspora (descendents of Africa all over the world).
- Reconnecting & Rebuilding the Family: Creating safe and comfortable atmospheres so that students can thrive and develop everlasting relationships with one another whose foundations are the liberation and advancement of people of African descent.